Welcome to Apheleia Press

Thoughts, stories, ideas

Latest News

Tuesday May 15, 2018

After a period of downtime, the site has been relaunched with a fancy new theme and much more modern technology. Things should be more stable and faster!

Thursday November 19, 2015

I've been working on a new story over at tablo.io called "The Most Favored Man".

Latest Blog Posts

Time Writing

Sunday May 20, 2018

First, I want to thank Risto for resurrecting this site. I've always been crap at keeping a written record - blog, journal, you name it. So…

Ram Skull Garden

Monday September 19, 2016

I was lucky to get exposed to clay when I did. Going through a paramedic training program at a community college had its benefits. I was…

A Small Shaking Room

Friday July 22, 2016

I've gotten around to reading Toffler. Strange that I ordered his three most famous books and two weeks later he slips his mortal tether…

A Celebrated Return

Tuesday May 31, 2016

When you spend all of your perceived time jumping from one activity to another that you feel has to be done, you lose something. For me, it…

Writing About The Tough Stuff

Saturday April 23, 2016

So - we finally got around to solving some technical problems with the blog and we're operational again. There was no real hurry to fix it…

It's All About Factions

Friday January 30, 2015

If you are writing a work of epic fiction, there is a strong possibility that politics and diplomacy will play a major role in your work…